Evolution of Phil Kelly...

" You can never regret anything you do in life. 
You kind of have to learn the lesson from whatever the experience is 
and take it with you on your journey forward." 
- Aubrey O'Day

When I was young I believed that we have so much control over our lives and that if I made great choices then I will have a dream run at life. 

But nobody told me how much of a roller coaster making choices are...
Regrets, mistakes, hurt, sadness etc.
Love, happiness, success etc.

I have lived and experienced these throughout my short stint on this Earth. These have moulded and formed the shape of the person that I am today. However, I am not the specimen of the person whom I aimed to be. My body is battered and bruised from my physical exploits; My mind is weary and stressed from the cognitive drainage I experience daily.


Before you blow this article off saying "Oh PK has lost it and this is going to be some sob story, blow this!" 

I want you to consider the short but simple messages from the quote above:
  • Never regret.
  • Learn from your experiences.
I have been lost in the wilderness over the years regarding how I can make a difference and help people, which if you haven't worked out, is my mission in life. I would look at stats and analytics and wonder why I should bother if I'm not reaching the whole world.

Then one day I woke up, looked at the man looking back at me in the mirror and realised that I was trying to do too much! I was researching endlessly, pouring time and energy into endeavours which did not have a meaningful process and result. I was trying to live the life of ten different versions of myself in ten different careers etc.

So I don't regret any of my history as it has shaped me into who I am. The 'Take-Away' from all of this is that I am aiming to streamline my work/help into essential pathways.

So where to next (and what's the point of this post)?
  • The blog is now going to cover greater areas of healthy living - both the internal and external world around us.
  • The blog is going to include personal experiments and anecdotes regarding healthier living.
  • IT WILL BE BLOGGED much more regularly.
I want to thank everyone in my life who has been apart of it, even those who haven't been a part of my growing but rather the breaking down.


Thank you to my readers and if I can help via my little blog, please feel free to let me know.



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